Hi guys, what do you think about this job offer? I need your help on this!
Twins brothers (around 1.5 months)
6 days per week, 9 hours per day
Baby meal preparation, cleaning kids‘ room (no household chores needed)
Location : Miami, Florida
My main concern is that hourly pay is quite low compared to my previous nanny jobs, however the location is just 5 min drive from my house (can save some petrol fees), should I accept this job offer?
hace 11 meses
3 Comentarios
Watertown, CT, US
5 hr
do you like the family? can you see yourself with th them long term? I would rather work for an employer that I get along with.
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Queens County, New York, United States
Querida el trabjo es hermoss pero también agots son 2 niños gemelos y hay y que cuidarlos limpiar y preparar su comidas ,debería pedir un poquito más o una ayudante
Las Vegas, NV, USA
5 hr
you still get around $800 per week, but maybe you can ask for more if you are experienced ? because I also feel that $15 is quiet low.. but the location is good for you