Nannies are like real members of the family they work for. They take part in the family’s daily activities, spend fun times with family members, and take responsibility for the wellbeing of the children. These situations build a strong bond between the family members and their employees. While this is a positive development, sometimes it can cause professional lines to get blurred.
Sometimes, parents make decisions and take actions that offend their nannies without knowing. Such actions can make the nanny think they’re being taken advantage of, or that the parents aren’t considerate. To avoid spoiling a good relationship with your nanny, here are some things families should avoid doing.
- Not reimbursing money spent by nannies
The most common situation where this happens is when nannies drive the kids around and have to buy gas in the vehicle. Between school, the park, and other events, some nannies have to fill the car with gas when parents forget to do that. Unfortunately, some parents don’t reimburse the nanny for such expenses.
Although a nanny might not ask you to pay up the extra money they spent on gas, they also won’t be pleased if you don’t give them extra for it. The best way is to ensure the vehicle has enough gas or get the nanny a gas card for daily activities. You can also ask your nanny to take account of how much they spent on gas so that you can reimburse adequately.
- Failing to meet up to the schedule.
Many parents are guilty of not sticking to schedules, and even if they apologize for it a thousand times, it doesn't make things any better. Many nannies have other jobs to attend to, families and kids waiting for them, and other such activities. The nanny's plans and activities might get messed up when parents don't relieve them of their shift according to schedule.
Families need to understand that nannies have their own lives and plans, and their time should be respected. If there's any reason, you need to delay or keep them on the job for longer than agreed, inform them in advance, and pay for overtime. Don't take it wrongly if your nanny refuses to fill in because it clashes with their schedule. Instead, make other plans with another nanny or a family or friend to help.
- Inconsistency in discipline and training
Many parents lay down rules and guidelines for nannies to raise their children in line with them, but most times, they break their own rules. It could be bedtime rules, potty training, diet rules, or directives on playtimes.
When nannies try to enforce such rules and the parents go against them or let the kids off, it can make the nanny feel like their efforts are wasted.
Parents should be consistent with discipline and training so that nannies can do the same and raise the kids well.
- Leaving a messy environment
Although nannies should clean after the kids, especially areas they used, it is not right for parents to make a mess and expect the nanny to clean it up upon resumption of duties. Some families will soil the floor, stack dishes in the sink, and even add their dirty laundry to those belonging to the kids.
Yes, a nanny is responsible for the clothes, dishes, and other things belonging to the kids, they are not responsible for the rest of the family. If a family cannot handle their chores, they should consider engaging the services of a housekeep or negotiate with the nanny to handle the general chores for an extra fee.
- Not stocking the pantry.
Imagine a nanny’s surprise when they prepare meals for the kids and find the fridge and pantry empty. If a nanny is not in charge of grocery shopping, parents should ensure that there are enough meals and snacks in the house at all times.
If you need your nanny to take your kids out for a meal or shop for them, inform the nanny in advance and make money available so that the nanny doesn’t have to spend their money on it._________________________________________________________________________________________________
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